Class of 2024

Genesis Bandenebro

UC Davis (Animal Science)

Hello, my name is Genesis Bandenebro and I'm so grateful to be part of Zoo Magnet's Class of 2024! Throughout my time at the Zoo Magnet, I was a part of Zoo Crew for 2 years as both. Treasurer and Junior Senator. I was fortunate to be a part of the Animal Husbandry program, Pre-Vet Students Support Diversity (PSSD), and Youth Mental Health Academy. I have also volunteered with L.A. Works, Best Seeds, and in our Agriculture area at North Hollywood High School. I have led many clubs including Multicultural Club, Wellness Wednesday, and Students Teaching Organizes Peace (STOP) Club. I will be attending another summer internship program with Alexandria’s House this summer. I am very excited to attend UC Davis in the fall to study Animal Science! I am very grateful to have received The Cambrian Endowment Scholarship and I cannot wait to make the most out of this opportunity. This scholarship has allowed me to continue to follow my dreams and helped me pursue higher education. I look forward to gaining hands-on animal experience through volunteer opportunities and engaging in fieldwork. I aspire to be a veterinarian so that I may be an advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. I hope to expand our knowledge of veterinary medicine and contribute to conservation efforts.

Ben Cole-Calderon

UC Santa Cruz (Biology)

Hi, my name is Ben Cole-Calderon, and I am part of the Zoo Magnet graduating class of 2024. I will be continuing my education at UC Santa Cruz where I will be majoring in Biology. During my time at the Zoo Magnet, I’ve had the opportunity to work in the animal husbandry program where I’ve worked alongside avian and ungulate zookeepers. I was also selected to participate in the inaugural cohort of the Los Angeles Zoo Conservation Council, collaborating with youth across Los Angeles to develop various conservation strategies. I’ve worked as the action coordinator for the climate organization Extinction Rebellion Youth Los Angeles, organizing numerous climate marches, actions, and protests concerning Los Angeles legislation and environmental initiatives. I hope to marry my passion for environmental justice with my interest in biology and health science to start a career in medicine. I am incredibly grateful for the Cambrian Endowment Scholarship and the opportunity it provides to students like myself to better the world around them.

Landa Hong

LA Valley College (Biology)

Hello! My name is Landa Hong and I am a senior from the Zoo Magnet class of 2024. Currently, I have plans of attending community college before transferring to UCI to study biology. I loved my time here at Zoo Magnet and being able to participate in the animal husbandry program here was quite an experience! Being here has allowed me to develop my passion in life sciences and I am extremely excited for what comes next. As I continue my academic journey to reach my dream goals of becoming a researcher, I would like to thank the Cambrian Endowment for this amazing opportunity.

Allison Xicol

CSU Dominguez Hills (Business-Pre-Dental)

Hello, my name is Allison Xicol and I am from the Zoo magnet graduating class of 2024. I am ecstatic to be continuing my educational journey being pre-dental while studying for my major in business. I’ve served three years being a part of Zoo Crew, with my final year being Zoo Magnet president. I volunteered my time in multiple places within my own community such as the American Red Cross and other nonprofit organizations. My senior year I was given the opportunity to be an intern at the LA Zoo Husbandry program (Gorillas & Otter string). With the help of my fellow peers, we created the multicultural club here at the Zoo Magnet. The goal was to enrich and educate our community with different types of cultural backgrounds. I am super excited about what my future holds and I am so extremely grateful for the Cambrian Endowment for supporting me and my educational journey.

Class of 2023

Eowyn Jeewon Andres

Bucknell University (Marketing and Design)

Hi, my name is Eowyn Andres and I am part of the Zoo Magnet Class 2023. I will be continuing my education at Bucknell University, where I will be majoring in Markets, Innovation, and Design. I have served 4 years of Zoo Crew, leaving my final year of Zoo Magnet as the Co-president. During my time at Zoo Magnet, I was an intern at the LA Zoo Husbandry program and volunteered at the LA Zoo as an Avian and Hoofstock specialist. I hope to further my interest in sustainability and explore more of my interests in sociology and the arts. I am unsure what my future may look like, but I am open-minded and welcome different possibilities. I am grateful for the Cambrian Endowment's support in helping me pursue the path of my passions, even if it may be uncertain.

Jet Benitez

UC Davis (Ecology)

Hi, my name is Jet Benitez from Zoo Magnet’s graduating class of 2023 and I am passionate about animals and the environment! I am looking forward to majoring in Ecology at UC Davis! I was able to work alongside the LA Zoo as an Avian docent specialist, and with animals as an Animal Husbandry Student. I have supported environmental organizations such as Algalita, where my group and I presented and networked with like-minded individuals around our project, an initiative limiting single use plastics at LAUSD. I also interned at Climate Journal Project, an organization where individuals can journal about and receive support regarding their anxieties on ecological issues. Overall, these experiences have fueled my drive in benefitting the environment as a conservation ecologist, so that I can protect the natural resources and biodiversity of our treasured Earth. I am truly grateful for the support and empowerment the Cambrian scholarship has given me to pursue my passion in the field of science, creating positive change.

Stella Ferguson

Cornell University (Biological Sciences)

Hi, my name is Stella Ferguson and I graduated from the Zoo Magnet Class of 2023. During my time at the Zoo Magnet I served in Zoo Crew for two years, including as Vice President, participated in the Animal Husbandry program, and was a member and captain of the North Hollywood Cheer Team. I have also volunteered at the Los Angeles Zoo as an Avian Docent and member of the Teen Council for Conservation. I love animals, which is why I will be continuing my education studying Biological sciences at Cornell University and pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. I am honored and grateful to be a recipient of the Cambrian Endowment Scholarship and excited for this next chapter to begin!

Diego Ruiz

UC Davis (Physics)

Hi, my name is Diego Ruiz, and I am part of the Zoo Magnet graduating class of 2023. I will be attending UC Davis in the fall as a physics major! As a Zoo Magnet student, I have had the opportunity to work alongside various animals as a part of the Animal Husbandry Program and I’ve held Senator and Historian positions as a part of Zoo Crew. Additionally, I ran my 5th marathon this year with Students Run LA and was fortunate to participate in COSMOS as an astrophysics student for a month! I hope to pursue a career in astrophysics and go back to my community in South LA to teach and mentor other students. I am beyond grateful for the Cambrian Endowment’s support in helping students reach their dreams.

Juliette Dalicano

UC Davis (Wildlife, FIsh, and Conservation Biology)

Hello, my name is Juliette Dalicano and I'm so proud to be part of Zoo Magnet's Class of 2023! During my time at the Zoo Magnet I was in Zoo Crew for 4 years, serving as Co-President during my senior year. I participated in the Animal Husbandry, Avian/Hoofstock Docent Specialist, and Ambassador Programs, School Site Council, Gardening Club, and volunteered at the Ag. I also got opportunities to work at Aquarium of the Pacific, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and the Getty Museum. I'm currently performing ecology research and restoration in a Conservation Internship with the Los Angeles Zoo in order to inform their future conservation efforts. I'm super excited to be attending UC Davis in the fall to study Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology and am so grateful to The Cambrian Endowment in supporting me in my pursuit of educational and career goals. I hope to build my skills through hands-on lab and field work and eventually attend graduate school to gain skills in biology research and animal science so that in my career I may bridge a gap between animals and human researchers. I hope to perform conservation action that connects the public to endangered species and preserves ecosystems so that we may coexist.

Geraldine Perez

UC Santa Barbara (Pre-Biology/Zoology)

Hi, my name is Geraldine Perez and I am from the Zoo Magnet graduating class of 2023! I will be attending UC Santa Barbara under Zoology. Leading up to this, I served in Zoo Crew as Secretary, was a Zoo Magnet Ambassador for 3 years, and took part in the Animal Husbandry internship, which I held for 2 semesters working first with the Zebras and then with the Bongos. In addition, I have volunteered with the Aquarium of the Pacific in their Ocean Neighbors Project, dedicated my summers to maintaining North Hollywood High School's very own Agricultural Area, and volunteered in a local cat shelter. My experiences exploring the agricultural and zoological world have only led me to strive in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine following my time at UCSB. I am incredibly excited for the future and am appreciative of the Cambrian Endowment for allowing me the resources to continue feuling my passions!

CJ Petersen

Cal State University Northridge (Biological Science)

Conrad (CJ) Peterson is a promising scholar and musician. During his time at the Zoo Magnet,  he was actively involved in marching band and Jazz band/improvisation. He chose his major in biological sciences because of his passion for animal sciences. In college, he hopes to explore his interests and figure out what passions he wishes to purse in life. Congratulations and best wishes for a bright future, CJ!

Class of 2022

Emily Reyna

University of California Los Angeles  (Biology, pre-veterinary)

Hi, my name is Emily Reyna, and I am a part of the Zoo Magnet class of 2022. I am happy to announce that I will be continuing my education at UCLA as a biology major on a pre-veterinary track this fall. During my time at the Zoo Magnet, I was President of Zoo Crew, and I participated in the Los Angeles Zoo Animal Husbandry program. Aside from this, I was a member of Upward Bound, and I tutored Spanish-speaking elementary school students in my community. I hope to further my interests and passions for veterinary medicine and education accessibility during my time in college. My goal is to ultimately become a veterinarian, educate others about wildlife conservation, and create my own North Hollywood/Zoo Magnet-specific scholarship. I am so grateful for the Cambrian Endowment’s efforts in supporting students, like myself, achieve their goals.

Elle Rinaldi

UC Santa Cruz (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Elle Rinaldi is a promising 2022 Zoo Magnet graduate with a keen interest in zoology and wildlife conservation in general. She is passionate about helping the environment and is excited about what comes next!

Madison Carranza

Cal Poly Pomona (pre-veterinary)

Hi my name is Madison Carranza and I will be an animal science major on a pre-veterinary track at Cal Poly Pomona in the fall. I am part of the Class of 2022 at the Zoo Magnet and was very fortunate to participate in Animal Husbandry at the La Zoo. I have a passion for sports such as soccer and basketball which led me to join a club team for soccer and the North Hollywood Girls Basketball team. I also have a huge passion for animals that ultimately led me to volunteer at horse shelters and the NHHS agricultural area. I hope to become a veterinarian and be able to take care of all types of animals no matter where they are. I truly appreciate the opportunity that the Cambrian Endowment gave me and am so grateful since I feel more confident to reach my career dreams now..

Class of 2021

Patience Brennan

University of California Davis              (Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity)

Hi my name is Patience Brennan, I graduated from the LA Zoo Magnet in 2021 and will be attending UC Davis class of 2025! I am majoring in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at UCD, and have a passion for research. I’ve wanted to be a research scientist since kindergarten, and my aspiration to become one solidified when I interned at the LA Zoo Research Office helping conduct a study on meerkat social behavior in 2019-2020. I hope to continue my education until I have a PhD and plan on working in zoos, natural history museums, and universities. I am so excited for the future, and very thankful for The Cambrian Endowment! 

Sarah Argarin

University of Nebraska, Lincoln (Fisheries and Wildlife Biology)

Hi my name is Sarah Argarin, I grew up here is Los Angeles and have many aspirations for my future. Going into college I’m majoring in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology, with an emphasis in Conservation Biology, and I want to minor in photography. I hope later on, to move into Veterinarian Sciences. 

Isamar Lopez-Argueta

Humboldt State University (Wildlife)

Hi my name is Isamar Lopez-Argueta and I graduated from the Zoo Magnet and will be attending at Humboldt State University majoring in Wildlife. I have a passion for wildlife biology and conservation with the hopes of educating the public on the importance of coexisting with wildlife. I'm forever grateful for the scholarship opportunity from the Cambrian Endowment and I'm excited to continue further ahead with my studies!